15 giugno 2011

Nella cucina - In the kitchen

Well, that Spanish mass I mentioned in my post last night? Yeah, that didn't happen. And not even because I didn't wake up in time (I know that's what you were thinking, Mom...) but because everything at the Vatican was closed because of the general audience with the Pope that happens every Wednesday. So Luciana and I got up at the crack of dawn and headed over only to find everything closed off :( We made the most out of it and ate breakfast at a cute little cafe down the block from St. Peter's (cornetto con cioccolato = heaven) and walked around a bit until it was time to try to navigate our way to our cooking lesson, which we had today in place of class.

This lesson, however, was at the home of a professor at AIA, our partner school in Rome, and apparently after 3 days here we are expected to be able to find our way around with ease. Luciana and I did not, though, and ended up being a tad late to the lesson even after asking 6 different people how to get to the professor's street (and receiving very different directions every time, including one comment that "Via Quintino Sella (the street name) does not actually exist, this entire area is just called that." Maybe the Italians need maps more than the foreigners!)

Anyway, I was in the group making lunch (with Luciana, Rachel, Sebastian ("il beato fra le donne," as everyone calls him, since he's the only guy on the trip), Francesca and Hannah) which was a blessing because there's noo way I would've been able to find my way back later that night for the dinner shift. The chef's name was Antonella, and she taught us how to make a wonderful pranzo of puttanesca, fagioletti a corallo, vitello, and a mousse cioccolato con panna (but don't expect me to be able to replicate it at home!). Buon appetito!

After lunch, we were all exhausted, and I've had a bit of a cold, so we returned back to the hotel and napped (first, however, we stopped at Fetrinelli bookstore, where I bought a copy of Heat Wave, the book by Richard Castle of the TV show Castle - which is well worth watching if you don't already watch it! - in Italian), and when I woke up it was already almost 9! Luciana and I went out for gelato at a place called Old Bridge Gelateria that our TF had told us about; it's apparently very well known and there is always a tremendous line, but it wasn't long at all tonight, so we waited and a few minutes later I was licking an absolutely delicious cone. So well worth the wait.     
And now I'm off to rest up for our field trip in the morning!

Day's recap:
Hours spent lost: ~1 (better!) 
Hours spent in the kitchen: 5 (probably more than I've ever spent there before...)
Flavors of gelato tasted: menta (peppermint) and bacio (cioccolato e nocciola - chocolate and hazelnut... think nutella!)

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