07 luglio 2011

Il Cenacolo - The Last Supper :(

So here we are, the last night in Perugia :( I am definitely excited for Vasto, but SO sad to be leaving. We didn't have our morning class today but I still got up fairly early so as to make the most of the final day here. After breakfast, Hannah and I went shopping at the local boutiques, and by shopping I really mean walking in and out of stores unable to make any kind of decision. I ended up getting a watch from Coccinelle as my goodbye present to myself from Perugia :) Yay!

Then I went over to the Institute just to spend some final time there. It was practically empty so Rachel, Hannah and I spread out all our stuff and took over a whole room in the library and split our time between half-trying to read the Italo Calvino excerpts we were assigned for our final class and just whining about how much we adore Perugia and never want to leave.

Our last lecture was with the professor who did the presentation on dialects a few days ago. He's really cool but also suuuper intense, very into being in touch with your senses and emotions and finding your passion in life. The Calvino reading he assigned was about these Italians on vacation in Mexico and had all this crazy (and somewhat disturbing... think ancient Mayan human sacrifices) food symbolism, so it was an interesting but challenging read. The professor really just used it as a jumping off point for a conversation about the importance of consciously using each one of your senses in everything you do because doing so is crucial to truly experiencing your experiences as well as enhancing the memories you retain from them. He ended it with a note about how very very very important it is to find something you truly love to do and embrace it, which always makes me happy to hear because I like to think that's what I'm doing here in Italia. :)

For our farewell dinner, we went to Al Mangiar Bene, the same restaurant I took Anna to for her birthday. The food was good but not quiteee as good as last time because we didn't get to choose anything we ate. There were still like six wonderful courses though, so I'm certainly not complaining! After dinner we went for our final Perugian gelato (biscottino for me, as has become the usual) and ate them on the steps by the fountain surrounded by everyone out and about for the evening passeggiata. By the way, 'the steps' I keep referring to have their own Facebook page. And over *12,000* Facebook users have "liked" them, including me. (You can check out some pictures at this link if you'd like!)

We're probably going to go out now and walk around for a while tonight, just to take in Perugia for the final time before shipping off on a 9:30am bus to Vasto tomorrow! 

La Perugina Adottata (the adopted Perugian),

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