28 luglio 2011

Rain, rain, go away! :(

Rain makes me sad :(

Waking up early makes me very sad :(

So today was a kinda sad day, because we got up early AND it rained. Things are really starting to wind down here in Vasto, which is CRAZY. I don't know how time goes so fast! I should probably keep that in mind and be glad to start the day early and make the most out of the time I have left, but yet I just can't bring myself to be happy getting out of bed to go for ... a hike. Yup, that's the second hike in THREE days for this nature girl. LOL. 

Yesterday morning at our "book club" our professor asked us how we enjoyed the trip to Lettomanopello and we mentioned how we really enjoy having any type of excursion and that we'd definitely recommend doing more of them on next year's program ... apparently she took that to mean that we want to go on more hikes in the here-and-now. So today we set off for an early morning trip to Punta Derci, a scenic beach site that's up above Punta Penna. I'm pretty sure that actually each and every one of us fell asleep during the bus ride! Cinzia and her husband and son met us there and helped lead us on the hike. It wasn't strenuous but it was a bit challenging since a lot of it was on all the pebbles and rocks along the coast which are hard to walk on. I kinda ruined my shoes (the NB black ones, Mom, so sad!) because they got all this wet sand in them, yuck!

The view was just stunning when we got to the top though, and we all sat/laid down and relaxed for a good while. We dug into the yummy crostata (Italian fruit pie) that Paola had made for us while we looked out over the water from way up high - so gorgeous and relaxing. :)

Afterward we went back down to the gazebo and rehearsed Giovannino e i tre cani, the fable we'll be presenting tomorrow for the kiddies, a few times through. (I'm part of the group specifically working on this one so hopefully it goes well!) The weather wasn't looking so great so instead of sticking around at the beach we headed back to the B&B - good call, since Paola got a call from Cinzia while we were on the bus telling us that it was pouring in town; fortunately by the time we got off it had let up a bit. 

Once back in my room, I took a nap to try to ward off my headache. When I woke up it had just about stopped raining altogether, so I essentially pretended it was morning: I ate cereal and "toast" and jam and got dressed again and showered. Then I went shopping with Hannah. We checked out all the little stores and boutiques around the center of Vasto, but I didn't have any success (Hannah had some, fortunately!).

One lesson I learned today was that the way to peoples' hearts really is through their stomachs! Rachel made dinner, and it was FANTASTIC. Breaded chicken cutlets with mushrooms and spinach and a side of rosemary potatoes (SO yummy!), and I'm not sure if I've ever seen 11 more thrilled people! :)

I've just been relaxing since then, and am probably going to hit the hay soon. I'm tired, as usual, and even though we have nothing as a class until our Favolare presentation at 6, I have book club with Anna, Brittanie and our professor at 9am. We do get free cappuccinos and cornetti though, and I really enjoy talking about the book, so it's all good minus those miserable four or five minutes right after my alarm goes off! :P

Buona notte!

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