06 luglio 2011

Umbra Loveeee!

Sooo it's currently my lunch break before our last lecture with Zach/Luke/Blake, but I figured I had to write now and get out all this pent up excitement I have gushing around in my head right now :) 

So my roommate Rachel and I just went to talk with Elgin about potential for term-time or J-term study in Perugia with the Umbra Institute because we're both kind of obsessed with Perugia and never want to leave. We talked for a long time about all the options, including direct enrollment with the University of Perugia - you can stay in Umbra apartment style housing but take classes directly at the University with matriculated Italian students, ahhhhhhh!!!

We also got to talk to Elgin about her doctoral dissertation (it's her *third* degree from Harvard, like WHAT?!) which is on this Sicilian mystery author whose books Rachel just happened to buy the other day at Feltrinelli that I plan to start reading too! Apparently he's really famous and has written a tonnn of gialli (mystery novels) which have also been made into a TV series andddd the books are set near Sciacca!!!! :) :) :)

I want her to be my thesis adviserrrr!! And I want to come back and go to school here, and I've *never* thought about doing term-time study abroad before but I love it here sososo much! Eeek life choices!!! (I know my parents are probably freaking out right now... financial aid transfers, if that's any consolation. And let's face it, this probably won't end up happening because I'd miss being on campus too much. But still, I'm just gonna let myself bask in my current state of language nerd happy happy joy joy -ness for now!)

Gelato of the day was... biscotto. Again. We have a winner, folks!

Michelina :)

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